
Showing posts from March, 2019


Types of telescopes There are mainly 5 types of telescopes:- Optical telescopes Radio telescopes X-Ray telescopes Gamma-ray telescopes High-energy particle telescopes Optical telescopes:- An optical telescope gathers and   focuses   light mainly from the visible part of the   electromagnetic spectrum   (although some work in the   infrared   and   ultraviolet ).   Optical telescopes increase the apparent   angular size   of distant objects as well as their apparent   brightness . In order for the image to be observed, photographed, studied, and sent to a computer, telescopes work by employing one or more curved optical elements, usually made from   glass   lenses   and/or   mirrors , to gather light and other electromagnetic radiation to bring that light or radiation to a focal point. Optical telescopes are used for   astronomy   and in many non-astronomical instruments, including:   theodolites   (including   transits ),   spotting scopes ,   monoculars ,   binoculars ,

About the Blog

Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.with this quote in mind, I will take you to a journey to the wonders of the universe! Happy Astro!


Introduction to Telescopes Telescopes are optical instruments that make distant objects look magnified by using an arrangement of lenses or curved mirrors or various devices used to observe distant objects by their emission,absorption or reflection of electromagnetic radiation. The first telescope was invented by Sir Hans Lippershey in the 16th century his telescope was modified by Galileo  Galilei. The first known practical telescopes Hans Lippershey were  refracting telescopes  invented in the  Netherlands  at the beginning of the  17th century ,  by using glass  lenses . They found use in both terrestrial applications and   astronomy . The largest Telescope in the world is Gran Telescopio Canarias situated in the Canary Islands Of Spain :- It  measures 409 inches across. The Largest radio telescope is the 500 metre aperture "FAST" situated in the Pingtang-Guizhuo province in China. This telescope is made up of 4,450 triangular panels.

Time Dilation and the theory of Relativity

Time Dilation We always read stories of Time travel :- time dilation is sort of that. • According to the detailed theory of Relativity time dilation is the difference in elapsed time{the amount of time from the beginning of an event to its end}measured by two observers. Time dilation explains why two working clocks will report different times after different accelerations. For example, at the  ISS  time goes slower, lagging 0.007 seconds behind for every six months. For  GPS satellites to work, they must adjust for similar bending of  spacetime {in   physics ,  spacetime  is any  mathematical model  that fuses the  three dimensions of space  and the one  dimension  of  time  into a single  four-dimensional   continuum .  Spacetime diagrams  can be used to visualize  relativistic  ef fects such as why different observers perceive  where  and  when  events occur. }  to coordinate with systems on Earth The theory of Relativity holds within mainly two theories – Special Relat


Heftyverse In terms of Quantum Mechanics,a universe theorized as a coexisting universe along with our own universe, although undetectable,is called a parallel universe.So if we assume a Universe as Ux and another as Uy so this will be running parallel to each other [Ux||Uy].In this way there may be n number of universe in parallel to each other and all together they will be known as  Heftyverse  [U∞] which will contain infinite number of universe each having their own Sun ,Earth,Moon etc. This means that there will be infinite numbers of yourself too!! U∞ = f(U1,U2……..U∞)

The woman who woke up and everything changed

This is a story in Spain about a girl named  Lerina Garcia Gordon [Lucy] who came from a parallel universe or an alternate universe [infinite number of universes run along our universe which definitely contains all of us in different forms for example:- a boy living in this universe will be a girl in the other universe and many like this]. This Context is with respect to the instances published by Lucy on her personal blog when she cried for help.On 16th July 2008, Lucy woke up and saw that the bed sheet colour was different from that which was in the night she ignored this incidence as she thought she might be mistaken.Lucy used to live in one of the most populated areas of the city but that morning she found that she was living in the outskirts she ignored all this and went to the office.She was the department head but after reaching she found that her place was taken by a man who she never knew-she looked up for a place to sit and switched on her  laptop  to check wh